Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Brain Overload

Hello internet! It’s me! I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I’m back to regale you with stories of my life. Not that it’s particularly interesting right now or that I have loads of extra time or anything. I just felt it was time to make a bit of a comeback. I’m three weeks into my last semester of fourth year. Four more months of my degree before I’m cut loose and expected to be an adult. There has yet to be any nervous breakdowns (stay tuned), outrageous drama (give it time), or uncontrollable bouts of emotional eating (…). Welcome to fourth year! Where C’s get degrees and where blood, sweat, and tears define my entire final collection. So it’s really no wonder that sometimes, I just want my brain to shut off, even just for a moment. For my brain to stop twisting around how to sew a particular seam, how in the world I’m going to draft my second garment, or how I’ll scrape together enough time to somehow hand bead five garments. If only my brain would stop obsessing over whatever book I’m currently reading, or being preoccupied with the current class drama, or wondering when that friend will ever end up texting me back. To be able to stop stressing about my looming graduation, my uncertain future as an adult, and the doom and gloom of finding a job. If only I could just flip a switch and all that clutter would just disappear, maybe then I could actually focus and get more work done. Turn into some kind of driven, work-crazed zombie that blasts through work instead of getting distracted by which Harry Potter character you would date in real life. Ah yes, life would be a breeze if such a magical switch existed. All those embarrassing memories that haunt you at random waking moments could simply dissipate allowing you to have a few moments of peace. But alas, I’m stuck with a mind full nonsense, useless and useful information, and muddles of emotions. No wonder I have such an overactive imagination. 

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