been an emotional day. And while every day is emotional for me, this one was a
kicker. And I know I’ve been avoiding this blog out of fear but I can’t ignore
it anymore because I want to be real and truthful and not hide behind sarcastic
humor. Being hurt and vulnerable is what makes you human; it makes you realize
that you’re alive and real. So while many of you may be expecting a humorous story
about my silly life I need to do
this. I need to admit that I’m scared. I need to admit that I’m human because
we all have the same fears of not being good enough or getting hurt. We may
look different or deal with it differently but we experience it just the same. So,
I would like to be crazy and honest and share with you my work and some of my
fears. Here it goes….
Well – A project that forced you to dig deep and to explore your creativity so
that it will never run out. (Also makes you cry and leaves you an emotional
wreck… But it helps you grow!)
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Back (Truth Side) |
all started with the phrase “Follow your feet”. My mind will spin stories and
over analyze everything until I’m lost and hopeless. And I absolutely, 100% cannot
trust my heart because it’s so fickle. I can only trust my feet because they
always lead me in the right direction. They follow by instinct no matter which
way my body is pointed. When I voiced out loud the fact that you can’t trust
your heart, my friend became sad. I said it so carelessly and nonchalantly
because to me it was the truth. My heart has been bruised and battered multiple
times and it was easier to build up the wall and numb the pain. Trusting your
heart is reckless and unpredictable and gives you nothing but trouble and
heartache. I’ve tried to fit in and keep my emotions in check for years but
every time I spoke up and was ridiculed, I ended up closing my heart away just
a little more. For years I told myself that that’s just the way it is; that
every time you open up your heart to someone you loved they were supposed to
hurt you. I realized from a young age that nobody cares about your problems and
no one wants to listen to them. So when I have a problem I recede behind my
wall and push everyone away, quietly dealing with my pain. But this is no way
to live your life. Getting hurt is a part of changing and growing as a person.
It’s unrealistic to think that I can protect myself forever and never put
myself out there. For this reason I was scared of creative well but excited at
the same time. I put my heart and soul into every piece of art I create. It’s
all filled with symbolism that only I seem to understand. The piece I created
is a mirror; the two sides are the exact same. On one side is the symbolism and
the concealed emotions, on the other is the raw and blatant truth. You see the Concealed side first because it
acts like a shield because I’m confident that very few can see the secrets that
I hid within my drawings. The Truth side is sheltered and intimate. It’s just
you and the raw emotion.
semester has been filled with ups and downs and has been emotionally difficult
from the beginning. But after everything that’s happened and Creative Well I
feel like I’m back to a good place in my life. I’m still absolutely petrified
that I actually made this thing but I know that I’m going to be okay because I
trust myself and all the wonderful people around me. Thank you for giving me
the courage to put myself out there and to be a better person.
Words that I wanted to say...
is correct; fear has been holding me back from speaking my mind. And based on
my outrageous outfits, my flamboyant hair, and my rather obnoxious
cheerfulness, you might assume that I’m quite the confident little
whippersnapper. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’d be wrong. And if
you’ve already read this far expecting a hilarious story about my ridiculous
life, you should probably stop reading now because you are sadly mistaken. Because
what I’ve built up has started to crack and crumble and I seems like I have to
start from square one. It’s weird that I’m the type of person who worries what
people think about me. In fact, I’m freaking out about this while I type this and
I don’t even know if I’ll post this. I’m scared that no one will find what I write interesting or as funny as I do or think that I’m a pretentious
hypocrite. I’m scared of putting what I really think into words and I’m
petrified of offending someone through my cynical and incredibly morbid sense
of humor. I want to write, but I don’t know what to write anymore. I try to
tell people if I have a problem but I’m awkward so instead I just internalize
If you stuck this out to the bitter end, THANK YOU. Thank you for listening and trying to understand. This isn’t me trying to be angsty, this is me trying to connect with people again. I want to keep growing and changing as a person and that means letting go of everything holding me back and opening my heart up to new opportunities. I can’t wait to continue the journey.
And lastly, I leave you with my new favorite band The 1975 and their awesome song "Chocolate". Give it a listen because they're brilliant and don't forget to stay awesome!